<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Multi Line Chart | JSCharting</title> <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="../jsc/jscharting.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/default.css" /> <style></style> </head> <body> <div id="chartDiv" style="max-width: 740px;height: 400px;margin: 0px auto;"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* A styled line chart with time x axis scale. Learn how to: - Draw a line chart. */ // JS var chart = JSC.chart('chartDiv', { debug: true, type: 'line', legend_visible: false, xAxis: { crosshair_enabled: true, scale: { type: 'time' } }, yAxis: { orientation: 'opposite', formatString: 'c' }, defaultSeries: { firstPoint_label_text: '<b>%seriesName</b>', defaultPoint_marker: { type: 'circle', size: 8, fill: 'white', outline: { width: 2, color: 'currentColor' } } }, title_label_text: 'Small Cap Value', series: [ { name: 'Purchases', points: [ ['1/1/2020', 29.9], ['2/1/2020', 97.5], ['3/1/2020', 110.4], ['4/1/2020', 129.2], ['5/1/2020', 144.0], ['6/1/2020', 176.0] ] }, { name: 'Small Cap Value (Net of Fees)', points: [ ['1/1/2020', 86.9], ['2/1/2020', 79.5], ['3/1/2020', 95.4], ['4/1/2020', 97.2], ['5/1/2020', 123.0], ['6/1/2020', 111.0] ] }, { name: 'Gross of Fees', points: [ ['1/1/2020', 129.9], ['2/1/2020', 111.5], ['3/1/2020', 66.4], ['4/1/2020', 29.2], ['5/1/2020', 88.0], ['6/1/2020', 102.0] ] }, { name: 'S&P 600', points: [ ['1/1/2020', 56.9], ['2/1/2020', 56.5], ['3/1/2020', 56.4], ['4/1/2020', 56.2], ['5/1/2020', 75.0], ['6/1/2020', 56.0] ] } ] }); </script> </body> </html>